As a chaplain and an ordained priest in the Anglican Church, I support the spiritual and religious needs of Shawnigan Lake School community. I am deeply committed to diversity and to a holistic approach to wellbeing, and I work to reflect these values in what I offer at Shawnigan.
I strive to support students whose spiritual interests draw them toward transformation and deeper meaning in life. While I identify as a Christian, I relate to those who identify as spiritual-but-not-religious, because for years I walked that path myself. I see the beauty that each life story holds and I’m grateful that my role at Shawnigan allows me to walk alongside people of many backgrounds.
I see student life as an especially vibrant, and sometimes overwhelming, life stage. These years hold much potential for spiritual growth and I am committed to walking with people in journeys of self-discovery. I would like to extend a heartfelt offer to support you in your journey.
As a chaplain, I offer the community my experience in areas such as spiritual direction, pilgrimage, and exploration of the contemplative paths and mindfulness. I am a certified Spiritual Director, yoga teacher, and meditation instructor and I have led retreats and wilderness solos. I have enjoyed time on retreat in contemplative communities worldwide, deepening my connection with the sacred through meditation and time in nature. I have experience as a Spiritual Care Provider in various settings including a trauma hospital, an addiction treatment centre, hospice, and at the University of Victoria’s Multifaith Centre.
In effort to achieve a balance between engaging my inner spiritual life and social action, I have devoted time to outreach and justice projects. I worked as a volunteer in various places such as the Mother Teresa organization in India, Tibetan settlement camps, disaster relief for the Red Cross, and at a birth center in Indonesia. I also coordinated a sponsorship group for a Syrian refugee family. I have training in Non-Violent Communication and have facilitated Restorative Justice circles. I bring a lens of spirituality, diversity and inclusion, environmental awareness, and social action into my work.
Hi Everyone
I am the Counselling team leader at Shawnigan, my degree is in Child and Youth Care, which is specialized counselling focused on children and youth. I have been working at Shawnigan for 11 years and I am here to help you with your mental health and wellness. Your counselling needs are individual to you so I will do my best to listen to you and then find the best person or people to provide you with the support you need. It is brave to reach out and ask for help so I promise to make your experience with counselling a positive one. No problem or issue is too big or too small so do not hesitate to make an appointment with me.